Pedro Marrero Fuenmayor (VE, 1984)
Residency period: September-November 2025
Living and working in Caracas, Pedro Marrero Fuenmayor is a Venezuelan multidisciplinary artist, researcher, writer, disseminator and disability activist interested in issues of body and identity politics from the perspective of physical dissidence. He focuses creatively and in an investigative manner on the body and its cultural and contestatory implications, as manifested in the visual arts, literature, dance, performance and the intimate and political activism of people with disabilities. Among his references, Crip Theory plays an important role, with its invitation to bodily subversion from a political interrogation of normality. This approach seeks the bridging of humanism and queer studies through the repositioning of disabled and queer bodies outside of a subordination position.
For his residency project, Pedro Marrero Fuenmayor proposes to use a Crip perspective to deepen the idea of cyborg as the intersection of nature and technology. He wishes to focus on in-depth research, not only into the possibilities of an Eco-Crip theory but also exploring his own cyborg identity as understood by disability scholar Jillian Weise and in contrast to Donna Haraway’s Cyborg Manifesto — which makes disability invisible, ignoring the existence of what Weise calls ‘common cyborgs’ in favor of the spectacular cyborgs of science fiction.
Pedro Marrero Fuenmayor, photo Leonor Sifontes